Life After Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Building a Sober Lifestyle

Completing alcohol addiction treatment is a significant milestone on your journey towards recovery. It signifies a commitment to change and a determination to lead a healthier, more fulfilling life. But […]
Acamprosate vs. Other Treatments: Choosing the Best Option

Few things are more frustrating and heartbreaking than watching someone you love suffer from alcoholism, or suffering from it yourself. At Serenity Light, we understand that this disease is cunning, […]
Top 10 Worst Drug Cities in Texas

Known for its barbecue, college football, and iconic cowboy culture, the state of Texas also has a lesser-known reputation for widespread drug abuse and drug-related crimes. In this post, we […]
DWI & DUI Laws in Houston: A Comprehensive Guide

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are serious offenses that carry significant legal consequences in Houston, Texas. Understanding the intricacies of these laws is essential for […]