One of the things many recovered people worry about is having a relapse. That’s an understandable worry since it can happen to anyone no matter how long they’ve been in recovery. As time goes on a person is less likely to relapse, but that doesn’t mean there’s no risk there at all. Fortunately, there are some common relapse triggers that can be avoided, and if they can’t be avoided they can be planned for so they don’t have as much impact at the moment. At Serenity Light Recovery, it’s possible to get the tools and coping skills that can help reduce relapse risk. That’s a very important part of recovery for most people because it can keep them from relapsing in a weak moment when triggers are present and they may not be sure how to handle them correctly.
Four Common Relapse Triggers to Avoid
When you understand the most common relapse triggers you can avoid them more easily and have the opportunity to focus on the things that are really important to you in life. That’s good news if you’re just getting into recovery because you’re more at risk for relapse at that time. Four of the most common relapse triggers include the following:
- The people you used to hang out with – These individuals might have pressured you to use drugs or alcohol in the past
- The places you associate with substance use – Past workplaces or other places might cause you to think about relapsing
- The emotions that you’re feeling – Negative emotions or stress can be a trigger for substance abuse
- The behaviors that led you into substance abuse in the past – Stay away from the hobbies and habits that you associate with substance abuse
Any or all of those triggers could be present in your life during your recovery, and you have to make sure you’re handling them the right way so you don’t put yourself at risk. With good addiction treatment, though, you can reduce your relapse risk.
The Right Program Will Help You Avoid Common Relapse Triggers
Even if you know the common relapse triggers and work to avoid them, or reduce the chances that they’ll cause you a problem, they can still be risky at times. If you can stay away from the triggers you have control over, you’ll generally be better off — at least until your recovery has gone on for a longer period of time and you’re more settled. Additionally, you want to make sure you’re paying close attention to less common triggers that could be overlooked or that might surprise you. Those are the types of triggers that can make you especially vulnerable and that might not get fully addressed during your addiction treatment. We can help you reduce the risk of relapse, though, by giving you good coping skills. Some of the other ways we can help include:
- Full medical detox
- Residential program
- Intensive outpatient program
- 12 step program
- EMDR therapy
- Family therapy
- Yoga and fitness program
With awareness of the common relapse triggers, you can work on staying as healthy as possible and having a better, brighter future. There are many great options for treatment, and a number of ways you can get and stay healthy, but if you aren’t prepared for the relapse triggers you might face you could be in for a more difficult time in recovery. Fortunately, we can help you avoid that with a treatment plan that’s focused on the parts of your life you want to address and those that you want to get back to. You can have a better future and a higher quality of life with the right treatment.
Reduce Your Relapse Risk with Help from Serenity Light Recovery
Don’t let addiction issues ruin your life any longer. Reach out for help now and work to overcome your addictions. Contact us at (281) 431-6700 today, and we’ll be with you all along the road to recovery. Whether you’re reaching out for help for a loved one or for yourself, we can help set you on the right path to a brighter future.