Is there a link between heroin and veterans? Unfortunately, many men and women who put their lives on the line in the Armed Services often face trauma and physical pain. In both cases, if they do not receive the proper care, they are at a higher potential for developing complications, including unresolved mental health problems and addiction. If you are using heroin as a veteran, it’s time to find help. At Serenity Light Recovery, we can provide that to you.

The Link Between Veterans and Heroin Abuse

Heroin is a highly addictive, illicit drug. It is a part of the opioid family. This type of drug stimulants the function of the reward center in the brain. It can help to turn off the pain sensations a person feels while also creating a euphoric high. Once a person starts using heroin, it is hard to stop. When it comes to veterans and heroin abuse, there are a few key reasons why this may happen.

Pain and Suffering from Combat

Some veterans experience injury during their deployment. Those that do are at an increased risk of developing chronic conditions, including pain, limited mobility, and illness. Some situations involve the use of prescription painkillers that work for a time to stop that pain. However, these pain medications, including opioids, are very addictive. If a veteran is trying to manage pain and is unable to get enough of the prescription drug, they may turn to illicit drugs like heroin to get relief. You may have an addiction to heroin due to a pain problem if you:

Mental Health Concerns

Another reason heroin and veterans come together is when a person is using these drugs to mask what they’ve felt or experienced as a result of their deployment, combat experiences, or other traumatic events. If a person witnesses any type of trauma and the brain does not process this in the right manner, it can lead to the development of mental health concerns. This can lead to flashbacks, uncontrollable fear, anxiety, and the use of substances.

In these cases, a person may turn to heroin as a way to stop the mental pain and anguish they feel. They may use these drugs to help them get through the day or to keep them calm when reminders occur of what they experienced.  This is where trauma therapy is so important.

What Can Be Done About Heroin and Veteran Complications?

It is essential to understand why a person is using heroin and to work to find an alternative way to reduce those risks. In many situations, trauma therapy becomes necessary to help a person to overcome those unresolved traumatic memories and negative thoughts. It is also important to detox from drugs like heroin so that the body can stop to relearn to function properly without relying on drugs.

These are just some of the services we offer at Serenity Light Recovery. Our team can help you to determine the right course of care for yourself or for your veteran using drugs. We offer:

There Is Help Available at Serenity Light Recovery

If you’re a veteran who is struggling with heroin addiction, our team of counselors is here to help. With years of experience and innovative programs designed to support your best outcome, we can provide you with the trauma therapy necessary to allow you to move beyond these challenges. Call us at (281) 431-6700 to learn how.