June 27 is national PTSD Awareness Day. It’s a common misconception that this condition primarily affects veterans. In reality, it can happen to anyone who experienced or saw a traumatic event. Here’s why this day is so important.

Your Mind Determines Your Trauma Threshold

One of the tenets of national PTSD Awareness Day is the fact that your mind determines what it considers traumatic. What might affect one person in this way won’t create problems for someone else. Generally, society accepts that combat veterans might suffer from the condition and need a PTSD treatment program.

The condition brings anxiety and flashbacks as well as unwelcome or intrusive emotions. However, you might also have this condition if you survived abuse, abandonment, or assault. Usually, post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when you didn’t receive adequate treatment after the event. By the way, did you know that women are at a 50% higher risk of experiencing PTSD?

How National PTSD Awareness Day Draws Attention to the Condition

At the forefront of the movement are military organizations. They reach out to veterans and military families with informative emails or brochures. Mental health providers, too, offer information on the condition. However, many organizations have a difficult time gauging who’s at risk for developing PTSD.

Because many people struggle in silence, they frequently self-medicate. Nervous system depressants are popular drugs because they numb the body and mind. However, they don’t fix the problem. In contrast, they make the situation worse by adding a chemical dependency to the mix.

Getting Help for Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety

It sounds like a tall order. But national PTSD Awareness Day tells you that there’s hope in treatment. You don’t have to continue struggling with a bevy of conditions. Similarly, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Rehab that specializes in dual diagnosis and trauma informed care is an excellent starting point for recovery. Possible care approaches include:

A comprehensive set of Houston addiction therapy services can make a difference in your life. It addresses the underlying conditions you struggle with. Doing so empowers you to move forward in life. Most importantly, it spells an end to chemical dependency.

Enroll in Substance Abuse Treatment Today

Do you feel embarrassed about asking for help? You don’t have to. There’s nothing healthier than to acknowledge that you need assistance and hiring pros to provide it.

Make this year’s national PTSD Awareness Day the occasion to change your life’s trajectory. You suffer right now. Find out about Serenity Light Recovery and the changes that caring therapists there can help you make. Call (281) 431-6700 right now.

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