Even the best jobs come with their own kind of stress. It could be related to trying to meet a deadline for a project or dealing with an employee leaving unexpectedly. Chronic work stress takes a toll on the mind and body, leaving you at less than your best. You may feel you’re not able to give it your best effort, and burnout is a real possibility. Read on to understand more about the effects of dealing with pressure from your job. You will also find some tips on reducing stress at work.

The Effects of Stress on Your Well-Being

Consistently exposing yourself to stressors at work takes a toll on your mental health as time goes on. Many people experience symptoms associated with mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. It is not just your mind you need to worry about. Your body may experience disruptions in its symptoms. Being stressed all the time also makes you more vulnerable to disease and illness.

People dealing with constant stress may produce more cortisol, a stress-related hormone. Too much cortisol causes disturbances in your immune system. That increases your risk of developing conditions like autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular issues. It may also become more difficult for you to indulge in healthier activities like exercise and proper nutrition. That makes reducing stress at work even more important.

A lot of stress over time can cause different issues to your mental and physical health. Other potential side-effects of work stress include:

Tips on Dealing With Work Stress

Work stress does not have to get the best of you. You can start reducing stress at work by utilizing the following tips.

Track Specific Stressors

What specific job functions cause you the most issues. Can they be fixed by bringing in extra staffing or by shifting your workload? Write down what you were doing, how you were feeling, and your responses when you felt the most stress at work. That should help you narrow down the circumstances causing you the most problems at your job.

Find Time to Recharge

A lot of people make the mistake of continuing on without giving themselves a break. Separate yourself from your job by turning off your devices for specific periods. Make it clear to your superiors that doing so is necessary for you to continue functioning at a high level. Stop hoarding your vacation days and take a few days off. You don’t have to go on a luxurious vacation. Relax around the house and let your brain rest.

Establish a Support Network

Do not be afraid to reach out for help to friends and family. Let them know what you are going through. Your job may also offer mental health resources to help you in reducing stress at work. You may also wish to seek professional help of your own if your responsibilities have become too overwhelming.

Find Stress Relief at Serenity Light Recovery

Serenity Light Recovery provides support for people needing to decompress from the stress of their job. We offer a variety of therapy options to support the specific needs of clients. Some therapy options we offer to help with your mental health include:

Stress can cause a number of different mental and physical health issues if left unchecked. Call (281) 431-6700 if you wish to learn more about Serenity Light Recovery and the help offered to those looking to reduce stress at work. Do not let stress take over your daily life.